Friday, May 11, 2007


母親節快到, 一直想著應該對媽咪有什麼表示. 看到明報介紹hku的藏書票...只要捐$200(原價$500), hku就會把一張印有捐款者及其摯愛名字的藏書票, 貼在一本新購藏書的扉頁上, 於是靈機一動, 決定憑書向媽咪寄意.

幾有意義, 幾有紀念價值, 真有意思! 無理由只掛住媽咪, 唔理爸爸ge, 所以爸爸都有份, 順便提早送埋父親節禮品. 雖然我明偏心媽咪, 但實際上, 在我內心深處, 我係兩個都錫ga!!!

爸爸媽咪都好開心, 都覺得咁樣做幾好. 你們快樂, 所以我快樂. 有機會就借這兩本書看看吧!

Democratic schools : lessons in powerful education / edited by Michael W. Apple & James A. Beane. (2nd ed.) (dedicated to mummy)

Anatomy of deceit : how the Bush administration used the media to sell the Iraq war and out a spy / Marcy Wheeler. (dedicated to papa)

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