Thursday, April 12, 2007


又完成6小時的課程. 唔算難捱, 自己唔叻, 去到邊都學到嘢(雖然好快又會唔記得晒).

有個講者引述了一個故事...好多人聽完一個seminar之後都嗌悶, 學唔到嘢, 浪費時間, 但有個人有另一種想法. 這個人說, my listening to him is an act of love. i loved him because i percieved him to be a person of great value worth attending to. and i loved myself because i was willing to work on behalf of my growth. 幾有同感...我都好少走堂, 好少早走, 因為總寄望下一秒會明白, 會學到嘢.
另外有一句幾inspiring: 要對人生有盼望, 感興奮.

剛剛打完壁球, 攰. hahaa, 這個假期都幾健康充實!

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