Monday, December 31, 2007

The Verandah

緊接婚禮是在The Verandah舉行的西式婚宴, 我幾欣賞, 有情調, 可以延續一種浪漫氣氛. 拾級而上, 兩旁是玫瑰花和洋蠟燭. 餐桌一字排開. 燭光柔和...L食完頭盤已經想瞓覺. 我就好鍾意這種氣氛!
食物當然重要. 之前也想到這餐廳見識見識, 聽聞這裡的dessert buffet比cova更好. 今次的食物都唔錯...grilled scallop and peppered mango salad with curried vinaigrette.
cream of white mushrooms garnished with roasted pigeon breast.
fillet of seabass cooked in parchment paper on glazed broad beans with semi-fried tomatoes.
trio of asian creme brulees with a medley of mixed berries in coca brandy snap basket.
petits fours.

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